造句 | - 他是一位絕代武功高強的武者,曾經在江湖上獨當一面。He was an unparalleled martial artist who once ruled the martial arts world with his unparalleled skills.
- 她擁有絕代容顏,美若天仙,令所有男子都為之迷醉。She possessed an unparalleled beauty like a fairy, which intoxicated all men.
- 這座城市的絕代建築被譽為世界的燦爛明珠。The unparalleled architecture of this city is considered the shining gem of the world.
- 他的音樂才華絕代,他的歌聲能打動所有人的心靈。His musical talent is unparalleled, and his singing voice can touch the hearts of everyone.
- 她的寫作之道絕代,每一篇作品都能引起讀者的共鳴。Her writing skills are unparalleled, and every piece of her work can resonate with readers.
- 他的智慧經驗絕代,不論何時拋出的觀點總是令人驚訝。His wisdom and experience are unparalleled, and his viewpoints always surprise people.
- 這座絕代古城有著悠久的歷史和傳統文化,引人入勝。This unparalleled ancient city has a long history and traditional culture, which is fascinating.
- 她的演技絕代,每一個角色都能演繹得淋漓盡致。Her acting skills are unparalleled, and she can portray every character to the fullest.
- 他信仰的力量絕代,即使在最困難的時刻,他也不曾動搖過。The power of his faith is unparalleled, and even in the most difficult moments, he never wavered.
- 這片絕代美景是大自然的鬼斧神工,令人嘆為觀止。This unparalleled beauty of the scenery is the work of nature, which is breathtaking.