造句 | - Despite the torrential rain, the marathon runners persisted with their training, jogging through the sodden countryside for hours on end.
- The concert was a phenomenal success, evoking powerful emotions in the audience as the magnificent orchestra performed the hauntingly beautiful symphony.
- Growing up in a small town, she dreamed of traveling the world and experiencing different cultures, eager to expand her horizons and broaden her perspective on life.
- The ancient ruins were awe-inspiring, standing as a testament to the incredible architectural achievements of the past and providing a glimpse into a long-lost civilization.
- As the sun slowly set over the horizon, the sky was suffused with a breathtaking array of oranges, pinks, and purples, creating a stunning visual display.
- Despite the difficulties and setbacks, the team pushed forward with determination and perseverance, refusing to give up until they achieved their goals.
- The majestic mountains loomed in the distance, their towering peaks shrouded in mist and mystery, beckoning adventurous souls to explore their rugged terrain.
- The bustling metropolis hummed with energy and excitement, with crowds of people rushing to and fro amidst the sleek skyscrapers and neon lights.
- He poured his heart and soul into writing the novel, spending countless hours refining his prose and perfecting his characters to create a compelling narrative.
- The tranquil lake was a sanctuary of peace and quiet, surrounded by dense forests and rolling hills, offering a serene retreat from the chaos of everyday life.
用法、例句 | [造句]落英繽紛 [造句]菁英 [造句]英名 [造句]英明 [造句]群英、菁英 [造句]英國、英鎊 |
釋意 | 1.花。 2.物質的精華部分。 3.美好的。 4.賢明的。 5.才德出眾的人。 6.大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯合王國的簡稱。 7.姓。 |