造句 | - 【例句】當舞台上的藝人開始犯上作亂,整個演出都陷入了混亂之中。【翻譯】When the performers on stage began to cause chaos, the entire show descended into disorder.
- 【例句】那些總是犯上作亂的學生一般都得不到老師的寬容與原諒。【翻譯】Students who always cause trouble and chaos rarely receive forgiveness and leniency from their teachers.
- 【例句】政治危機最常發生的原因是因為政治人物犯上作亂而引起的。【翻譯】Political crises often occur due to the actions of politicians who cause chaos and unrest.
- 【例句】這個小鎮的治安因為那些犯上作亂的青少年而受到了極大的影響。【翻譯】The security of this town has been greatly affected by the unruly teenagers who disturb the peace.
- 【例句】記者們的行為有時候也會犯上作亂,讓事情變得更加混亂不堪。【翻譯】Reporters sometimes cause chaos and make things even more chaotic and uncontrollable.
- 【例句】頑固不化的老板總是像犯上作亂一樣讓員工倍感壓力。【翻譯】Stubborn bosses always stress out their employees with their disruptive and chaotic behavior.
- 【例句】這個國家已經充滿了犯上作亂的分子,他們不斷破壞社會秩序。【翻譯】This country is filled with troublemakers who cause chaos and continuously disrupt social order.
- 【例句】節日遊行期間,有些無賴分子犯上作亂搶劫路人,造成了嚴重的後果。【翻譯】During the parade on holiday, some thugs caused chaos by robbing pedestrians, resulting in serious consequences.
- 【例句】那些經常犯上作亂的人,總是容易引起周圍人的憤怒和譴責。【翻譯】Those who frequently cause chaos always tend to provoke anger and condemnation from those around them.
- 【例句】政府官員犯上作亂的行為往往會引起公眾的不滿和抗議。【翻譯】The unruly behavior of government officials often causes public discontent and protest.
用法、例句 | [造句]軍隊中對於犯上作亂的人將處以嚴厲的懲罰。 |
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