


  1. 賀卡上的文字讓我感到溫暖,讓我在生日時感覺到被關注和重視。(Translation: The words on the congratulatory card made me feel warm and made me feel cared for and valued on my birthday.)
  2. 別人送我的賀卡,提醒我生活中的朋友和家人是多麼重要,讓我感到非常感激和幸福。(Translation: The congratulatory cards given to me by others remind me of how important friends and family are in life, and make me feel very grateful and happy.)
  3. 這份特別的賀卡不僅表達了我對於母親的愛和感謝,更讓我們的感情更加密切和親密。(Translation: This special congratulatory card not only expresses my love and gratitude for my mother, but also makes our relationship closer and more intimate.)
  4. 收到這張驚喜的賀卡,我感到非常感動和感激,因為我知道有人在遠方關注著我。(Translation: Receiving this surprise congratulatory card made me feel very touched and grateful, because I know someone in the distance is paying attention to me.)
  5. 在這個特別的節日,這個精心設計的賀卡不僅表達了我的祝福,也讓我的朋友們感到我對於他們的重視和關注。(Translation: On this special holiday, this finely crafted congratulatory card not only expresses my blessings, but also makes my friends feel my appreciation and attention to them.)
  6. 這個令人驚喜的賀卡讓我感到非常開心和感激,因為它告訴我有人在想念我,關注著我。(Translation: This surprising congratulatory card made me very happy and grateful, because it tells me that someone is thinking of me, paying attention to me.)
  7. 每年收到這些特殊而美麗的賀卡,讓我想起了許多美好的回憶,這些回憶讓我感到非常幸福和滿足。(Translation: Receiving these special and beautiful congratulatory cards every year reminds me of many wonderful memories, which make me feel very happy and fulfilled.)
  8. 這張可以自己設計的賀卡,讓我可以更加完美地表達我的心意和祝福,讓我感到非常自由和愉快。(Translation: This self-designed congratulatory card allows me to express my intentions and blessings more perfectly, which makes me feel very free and happy.)
  9. 了解我們朋友的背景和興趣,我們可以設計一份特別的賀卡,讓他們感到我們的用心和熱情。(Translation: We can design a special congratulatory card for our friends based on their backgrounds and interests, making them feel our intentions and enthusiasm.)
  10. 在這不安的年代,一封賀卡裡的祝福和關心,對身心健康和情緒療癒都有著巨大作用,連絡心靈換取溫暖。(Translation: In this troubled era, the blessings and care in a congratulatory card have a huge impact on physical and mental health and emotional healing, exchanging warmth by connecting with the soul.)




ㄏㄜˋ ㄎㄚˇhè kǎ
